结合当地四时之气特点 ,春用解表宣肺 ,疏风清热 ;夏用醒脾祛湿 ,宣肺清热 ;秋用轻宣解表 ,清肺润燥 ;冬用发散风寒 ,宣肺止咳 ,因时遣方用药 ,事半功倍。
according to the changes of seasons, in spring, using the therapy of relieving exterior syndrome to promote the dispersing function of the lung, dispelling win d and removing heat; in summer, taking the therapy of enlivening the spleen to r emove dampness and dispersing function of the lung to remove heat; in autumn, ad opting the therapy of clearing away the lung-heat and moisturizing; in winter, d ispelling cold and promoting the dispersing function of the lung to stop cough.
Journal of Henan University of Chinese Medicine