本文从女性文学批评的角度对童话故事《小红帽》的隐喻意义和道德主题进行了分析 ,在此基础上 ,将英国女作家安吉拉·卡特的新编童话《与狼为伴》与其原型《小红帽》加以比较 ,从故事的隐喻意义和道德主题方面的变化看西方女性主义对女性形象与地位的认识 ,并从《与狼为伴》的结局看女性文学的发展方向。
An analysis of the metaphorical meaning and the moral theme found in the fairy tale Little Red Cape is presented in this article. A comparison is made between Angela Carter's The Company of Wolves and Little Red Cape. In her rewriting, Angela Carter gives the reader a feminist interpretation of the fairy tale. She changes the metaphorical meaning and the moral theme in the original fairy tale to present the image and status of a new generation of women. The end of her story foreshadows a new development in feminist literature.
Journal of Sichuan International Studies University