为了解北京大学医学部在国外生物医学期刊发表论文的情况,利用世界上权威的生物医学数据库MEDLINE, 采用文献计量学方法统计了1993-2002年期间在国外生物医学期刊上发表论文的总量、单位分布、载文期刊、载文期刊被 SCI收录情况及其影响因子。旨在揭示北京大学医学部在国外发表论文的现状及国际学术交流的能力。
Through the world known biomedicat database-Medline, we analysis the documents of Peking University health science center published from 1993 to 2002 on the biomedical issues out-of-country. With discussing the total of the documents, the distributing of these documents among the different parts of the Center, the instance of these issues embodied by the SCI and the impact factor, we bring forward several advices to promote the delivering of the documents published on the biomedical issues out-of-country.
Chinese Hospital Management