目的 通过对上海地区153名成年人下颌骨髁突内外径、前后径、及,髁突颈部最窄径的测量,探讨其与骨折发生的关系。方法 取上海地区成年人下颌骨:男74例,女79例,以髁突直径为内外径,髁突最厚处为髁突前后径,并测出髁突颈部的最窄径。同时收集上海市第九人民医院1997年1月至2003年6月下颌骨骨折病历273份,分析其不同部位骨折的发病率。结果 髁突内外径男女分别为:19.04mm、18.85mm;髁突前后径男女分别为9.03mm、8.59mm;髁突颈部最窄径男女分别为:6.98mm、5.94mm。下颌骨髁突骨折的发生率在下颌骨骨折中:男性占23.33%,女性占27.27%,其中合并颅脑损伤的为25例。结论 将所测得的髁突内外径、前后径数值分别和髁突颈部最窄径数值在男性与女性间进行统计学分析,经t检验,P<0.01。因此,无论男性或女性髁突颈部最窄径和髁突内外径及髁突前后径均有明显差异。由此可知髁突颈部为下颌骨最细处,无论遭受直接或间接暴力的打击,该处均可引起骨折。同时通过对临床下颌骨骨折发病率的分析发现:髁突是临床下颌骨骨折的好发部位之一。
Objective To discuss the relationship between the anatomic form of condyle process and bone
fracture with careful observation and measurement of condyle process. Methods The mandibles of 74 male and 79
female adults from Shanghai were used for the study. The anterior-postreior diameter and the interior -exterior diameter of
the condyle process were measured. The narrowest diameter of the cervix of the condyle process was also measured. At the
same time medical records 273 cases were collected. The fractural incidence of different positions of the mandible was
analysed. Results The average of the anterior-posterior diameter of the condyle process in men and women are: 9.03mm,
8.59mm. The average of the interior-exterior diameter of the condyle process in men and women are: 19.04mm,18.85mm.
And the average of the the narrowest diameter of the cervix of the condyle process in men and women are: 6.98mm,
5.94mm. The fractural incidence of the condyle process in men and women is 23.33% and 27.27%. Conclution The
difference of the anterior-posterior diameter of the condyle process and the narrowest diameter of the cervix of the condyle
process between male and female adults is significant, and that of the interior-exterior diameter of the condyle process and
the narrowest diameter of the cervix of the condyle process between male and female adults is significant too. The cervix
of the condyle process is the narrowest position of the condyle process and is one of the most important positions in
clinical mandibular fracture.
Chinese Journal of Dental Materials and Devices