Objective;To invesigate the dynamic change of cerebral AQP4 expression level during ischemia, and reper-fusion. To examine hte relation between the relation between AQP4 expre-ssion and cerebral injury and adema. Methods; Cerebral ischemia and reperfusion model in SD rat (blood flow blocked for 2 hours and then reperfusion for 3hr,6hr, 12hr,24hr,72hr,7d). Irnmunohistochemistry staining and semi-quantitation analysis were performed to detect the cerebra AQP4. Life vital signs, permeability of BBB, neurological defictit scores, cerebral edema were recorded. Results: ① AQP4expression decreased quickly on the injured side of cerebrum, and it reached the lowest point at 12-24hr post-ischemia and re-perfusion. Then it increased slowly, and went back to normal till Day 7. ②The severest cerebral edemal was at 24-72hr post-reperfusion. while the highest permeability of the BBB was at 24-72hr post-repertusion. ③Neurlolgi-cal deficit score showed that the severest neurlolgical deficit was at 24hr post-reperfusion, the mortality of rats was highest at 24hr post -reperfusion. ④ The expression of AQP4 was examined on both sides of cerebrum 24hr post-ishcemic reperfusion. AQP 4 expression is negative co-related with neurological deficit score. Conclusion: 1). Decreased AQP4 expression post-ischemicre-perfusion was a protective response to BBB, because it could reduce vascular cerebral edema and cytotoxic cerebral edema. 2). The regulation of cerebral AQP4 expression post-ischemic reperfusion can be a new stategy for the treatment of post-ischemicreperfusion injury.
Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases