本文总结了目前关于学科制度的讨论 ,认为大学学科制度是大学学科组织中规训学科新人、控制学者学术职业样式的规范。它包括学科划分与设置制度、课程标准、学科研究规范、学科评价标准。
Based on the discussion summary of the present disciplinary institution, the authors attempt to make a conclusion that disciplinary institution is a norm which discipline the new hands and regulate the scholars'acadmic life. It includes the division and establishment of disciplines; the norms of the curriculum; the norms of the discipline research ;the norms of the discipline assessment; the system of discipline rewards and punishment.
Modern University Education
全国教育科学"十五"规划教育部重点课题 (批准号 :DIB0 3 0 3 2 2)
湖南省教育科学"十五"规划重点资助课题(批准号 :XJK0 3AG0 6)"大学学科结构与学科制度研究"的阶段成果