研究了球坐标系中的目标跟踪,提出了一种基于球坐标系的水下目标运动模型,指出了机动目标运动模型中均值和方差的取值,在此基础上,导出了基于球坐标系的自适应卡尔曼滤波跟踪算法,给出了Monte Carlo仿真实验的结果。结果表明:在球坐标系中,该模型对水下目标的径向距离、方位角、俯仰角及其速度和加速度具有良好的跟踪性能,无须进行目标的机动检测,跟踪算法所需计算量小。
The tracking of maneuvering targets is researched in spherical coordinate system. A new model is proposed for
tracking underwater maneuvering targets in spherical coordinate system, in which, the acceleration of maneuvering targets is
considered as a time-correlation random process with non-zero mean values and the probability density function of the
acceleration is assumed Gaussian probability density function. Based on the model, acceleration adaptive Kalman filtering
algorithm is presented in spherical coordinate system and some Monte Carlo simulation is performed. The simulating results show
that the model and adaptive algorithm proposed in this paper can be used accurately to estimate the range, the azimuth angle and
the elevation angle of underwater targets and requires less computation.
Journal of Signal Processing