china’s total oil imports, including LPG, topped 100million tons in 2003 with the dependence on oil importsexceeding 37 percent, warning the country again of the“oil security” issue. China is entering the age of theprivate car ownership which will bring with it a rapidincrease in the demand for fuel. Diesel engines are moreefficient and consume less fuel than gasoline engines. Adiesel-fuelled car uses 30 percent less fuel than a gasoline-fuelled car of the same size and horsepower. Equippedwith the latest technologies, a diesel-fuelled car canreduce atmospheric pollution by discharging less tailpipegases. But wide-spread use of diesel-fuelled car willrequire the production of high-quality automotive dieselfuel. The standards for diesel quality for vehicle use -GB/T19147-2003 - released recently in China, which matchthe EU II emission standards for automotive diesel, are farbelow the current European and world quality standardsfor automotive diesel. It is therefore necessary at this timeto formulate policies as soon as possible to promote boththe development of diesel-fuelled cars and high-standarddiesel, through the institution of policies such as reductionof and exemption from taxes and appropriate adjustmentof diesel-fuelled car and diesel prices so that consumers,auto makers and petroleum enterprises will be motivatedC35to make the necessary changes.
International Petroleum Economics