Beryllium was determined from more than 40 granite bodies of different ages in southern China. Results show that it tends to increase with geologie age. The average beryllium contents for granites of various ages are (%): Hsuehfeng Period, 0.00016;Early Caledonian, 0.00034; Late Caledonian, 0.00035 ; Indosinian, 0.00055; Early Yenshanian, 0.00111; Late Yenshanian, 0.00032. The overall average content of beryllium of granite in this area is 0.00052%, 0.00047% and 0.00137% for biotite-granites and two-mica granites respectively. There seems to he a close relationship between Bemineralization and Yenshanian granites.
Beryllium was determined from more than 40 grainte bodies of different ages insouthern China. Results show that it tends to increase with geologic age. The averageberyllium contents for granites of various ages are (%): Hsuehfeng Period, 0.00016;Early Caledonian, 0.00034; Late Caledonian, 0.00035; Indosinian, 0.00055; Early Yen-shanian, 0.00111; Late Yenshanian, 0.00032. The overall average content of berylliumof granite in this area is 0.00052%, 0.00047% and 0.00137% for biotite-granites andtwo-mica granites respectively. There seems to be a close relationship between Be-mineralization and Yenshanian granites.