So far there has been no report on the relationship between the geochemical behaviour of trace element Mo in environments and heart health. Our recent investigations of an endemic myocadiae disease in special reference to the environmental geochemistry have led to the discovery that such a disease has its high occurrence in the areas where low-molybdennmbearing terrestrial sedimentary elastic racks, loessic deposits, igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks, as well as Quaternary deposits are widely exposed, while the opposite tendency has been recognized in the areas dominated by marine sedimentary rocks. Evidence shows that the soils in discase-occurring areas are not in faviour of the mobility of molybdenum due to the geochemical environmcnt characterized by strong reduction, weak acidity and high absorption. Additionally, it has been found that the drinking water for the inhabitants is generally soft and lower in Mo content. Me concentration in grain crops are found to be remarkebly lower than that in the normal areas. Low molybdenum-bearing food crops serve as the main diet for the inhabitants in disease-occurring areas, Molybdenum concentration measurements on fodder used in animal simulating tests for alteratio meroida of cardiac muscles indicate a negative correlation between the eoncentration of molybdenum contained in the fodder and the degree of cardiac muscle damage of the rats under test. However,a noticeable deerease of the degree of cardiac musele damage would be observed if a preeise implement of molybdenum is made into the fodder. Electron microscopic examination on the ultrathin scetions prepared from patient cardiac muscles shows that the damage of cristl and matrix of mitachrondria from cardiac muscles represents the initial alteratio meroida. This altoratio meroida caused by oxygen deficiency seems also tobe related to Me deficiency. The foregoing discussion shows that molybdenum is a beneficial element with close relationship with heart health and would do much good to the protection of the heart
So far there has been no report on the relationship between the geochemical behaviour of trace element Mo in environments and heart health.Our recent investigations of an endemic myocadiac disease in special reference to the environmental geochemistry have led to the discovery that such a disease has its high occurrence in the areas where low-molybdenumbearing terrestrial .sedimentary clastic rocks,loessic deposits,igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks,as well as Quaternary deposits are widely exposed,while the opposite tendency has been recognized in the areas dominated by marine sedimentary rocks.Evidence shows that the soils in disease-occurring areas are not in faviour of the mobility of molybdenum due to the geochemical environment characterized by strong reduction,weak acidity and high absorption.Additionally,it has been found that the drinking water for the inhabitants is generally soft and lower in Mo content.Mo concentration in grain crops are found to be remarkebly lower than that in the normal areas.Low molybdenum-bearing food crops serve as the main diet for the inhabitants in disease-occurring areas.Molybdenum concentration measurements on fodder used in animal simulating tests for alteratio meroida of cardiac muscles indicate a negative correlation between the concentration of molybdenum contained in the fodder and the degree of cardiac muscle damage of the rats under test.However,a noticeable decrease of the degree of cardiac muscle damage would be observed if a precise implement of molybdenum is made into the fodder.Electron microscopic examination on the ultrathin sections prepared from patient cardiac muscles shows that the damage of cristl and matrix of mitachrondria from cardiac muscles represents the initial alteratio meroida.This alteratio meroida caused by oxygen deficiency seems also to be related to Mo deficiency.The foregoing discussion shows that molybdenum is a beneficial element with close relationship with heart health and would do much good to the protection of the hearts of humanbodi