通过探讨逐日平均气温的模拟方法 ,以修订的正弦曲线为基础 ,利用最高和最低月平均温度可以模拟出一年之内任意一天的日平均温度。对于不同气候类型的地区 ,春季升温和秋季降温速度差异很大 ,采用不同的订正系数来模拟内陆、沿海和高山气象站的气温。
The simulation methods on the daily mean temperatures were studied. Based on the sine curve, a model to simulate daily mean temperature was built. This model required the input of minimum and maximum monthly mean temperatures. The different coefficients were selected to simulate the daily mean temperatures in inland, costal and high mountain areas, according to the different regions in climate type. This model could accurately simulate the daily mean temperatures for the most of regions in the Northern China.
Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology