The concept of piety has avery long history in china ,In Chunqiu period ,Confucius summarized the concept of piety released by the thinkers before him ,and then the book the Doctrine of Piety came into being ,which symbolized the fulfillment of Confucianism on the concePt of piety .Since Han Dynasty the rulers used piety as their ruling tool,then piety began to lost its original meaning and was misunderstood gradually.Nowdays ,there are lots of social issues such as abusing the aged people,bad-treat to the young children,indifference to parents.In order to solve those problems and make the society more harmonious.we need to rebuild the concept of piety ,and first we should come back to its original meaning,which is from the nature of human being,and also we should amend some of its content,and at the same time ,we need the laws to guarantee its execution .