新岳王是从一日本栗中经过实生驯化选育出的板栗新品系。该品系坚果粒大饱满整齐 ,平均粒重 2 1 9g ,品质上等 ;结果早 ,丰产稳产 ,抗逆性强 ;现已通过专家初步认定 ,正在湖北省钟祥、罗田、英山、大悟、江夏和京山等县、市试种。
New mountain king is a new strain selected and bred out through seedling and dome selection from one Japanese Castanea mollissima . It has advantages of upper quality, early bearing, high-yield and stable yield and strong stress tolerance and plump, regular and large-grain nut with average grain weight of 21.9 g. Now it has been through primary recognition by specialist and is tried to plant in counties and cities of Hubei province such as Zhongxiang, Luotian, Yingshan, Dawu, Jiangxia and Jingshan etc.
Hubei Forestry Science and Technology