文章以史料为据,对湖北省历史地震的地学规律、承灾体的特点及其减灾对策等问题进行了研究。结果表明,湖北省历史地震的地学规律主要表现在:(1)从时序特征看,地震活动涨落的时间非均匀性十分明显,大约300余a经历一个地震活动周期;年震区与年震率有明显的增大趋势;2~3月是地震相对多发季节,而汛期内地震未见明显增多;(2)从空间特征看,地震在空间上分布不均匀,多发生在活动性断裂的特殊构造部位及隆起、坳陷边缘地带;中强地震主要集中分布在鄂西与鄂东两片地区;地震与地质灾害在分布上有明显的耦合关系;(3)从地震种类看,过境性地震较多,源发性地震以构造地震为主;1949年以来,水库地震明显增多;(4)从震级来看,小地震为主,中、强地震不多,特大地震少见。湖北省地震灾害具有"自然灾害种类多、灾情较重;地震集中分布区大、中型水库多,地质灾害较严重;境内长江中游沿岸(宜昌 沙市)人口密集、经济发达,但大堤防洪、防震标准低,地震引发溃堤的潜在洪水灾害威胁大;民众防震意识淡薄,房屋与建筑工程防震能力差"等特征。针对以上特点,提出以下防灾策略:(1)提高民众防震减灾意识;(2)省内、外地震监测并举,提高预报能力;(3)并发灾研究、并发灾防治,建设有本省特色的减灾"预防文化";(4)加强针对性专题研究,确定重点防?
Based on the historical data of seism-disaster in Hubei Province, this paper discussed the geographical characteristics and the suitable measures to reduce earthquake disaster. The geographical characteristics of historical earthquakes in Hubei Province are: (1) Considering from the temporal aspect, there is an irregular period of about 300 years that the historical earthquake happens; the frequency that the calamity has appeared and the scope that the disaster has influenced have a notable trend to increase; the historical earthquake occurred more often on Feb. to Mar. than flood season; (2) Considering from the spatial characteristic, the distribution of earthquake is uneven, the middle and big earthquakes mainly occur in the west and east parts of Hubei Province; the earthquakes have a closely couple-relation with the geological hazard in distribution; (3) Viewing from the kind of earthquakes, those earthquakes occured in other provinces are more than that occur in Hubei, and since 1949, the number of reservir induced earthquake clearly grows; (4) Observing from the magnitude, the majority of earthquakes are small, and the huge earthquake is scarcely. The system to bear these earthquakes possesses some properties such as 'there are many severe natural disaster and the geological hazard is serious; there are many big and middle-sized reservoir induced earthquakes; in the littoral of Yichang-Shashi zone, there is a great potential menace that will cause serious flood disaster because of the lower standard of preventive flood disaster; local people lack of consciousness for taking precautions against earthquakes and many houses and buildings lack of the capability to resist earthquakes'. According to this situation, the following measures are necessary: (1) increasing people′s consciousness to take precautions against earthquakes and to reduce natural disasters; (2) ehnancing the monitory works of earthquake around Hubei Province and raising the forecast ability; (3) building the special culture of reducing di
The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control
Hubei Province
the geographical law
the countermeasure of disaster reduction