BACKGROUND &OBJECTIVE: Poorly differentiated thyroid follicular c ar cinoma is rare, and there were few reports on it. This study was designed to det ermine clinical characteristics, treatment, and prognosis of poorly differentiat ed thyroid follicular carcinoma. METHODS: Thirty patients with poorly differenti ated thyroid follicular carcinoma were investigated retrospectively for their ge neral clinical manifestation, process of treatment,and prognosis. Duration of su rvival from operation to various endpoints, including local recurrence, distant metastasis, and death from cancer or any causes, was estimated by Kaplan-Meier method. Factors that might be related to prognosis, including age, gender, tumor size, extrathyroidal extension, treatment, and operation status, were analyzed by log-rank test. The difference of data between 2 groups was estimated by t te st. RESULTS: The 3-, 5-, 10-year overall survival rates of 30 patients with p oorly differentiated thyroid follicular carcinoma were 32.2%, 25.1%, and 12.5 %, respectively. The cumulative recurrence rate, regional lymph node metastasis rate, and distant metastasis rate were 37.6%, 57.6%, and 82.5%at 3 years, an d 48.0%, 68.2%, and 86.9%at 5 years, respectively. The local recurrence rate decreased significantly (÷2=6.59,P=0.01), and the survival rate increased signi ficantly (÷2=12.40,P=0.00) for patients who had complete removal of the primary lesion and neck metastasis. The recurrence rate of patients with venous tumorou s emboli was remarkably higher than that of other patients,(÷2=4.62,P=0.03). Th e survival time of patients with distant metastases, who had undergone 131I ther apy, was significantly longer than that of other patients, who had not undergone 131I therapy (÷2=12.25,P=0.00). CONCLUSION: Patients with poorly differentiate d thyroid follicular carcinoma had high distant metastasis rate, and poor progno sis. Distant metastasis is an important factor that affects the survival rate. R adical resection is important for control primary tumor, a
Chinese Journal of Cancer
Thyroid gland
Follicular carcinoma
Poorly differentiated
Treatmen t