目的 比较米索前列醇阴道给药和缩宫素静脉点滴在足月引产的有效性及安全性。方法98例孕37~41周的正常产妇随机分为两组,一组为米索前列醇阴道给药50~100μg,每日总剂量不超过200μg(共50例)。另一组(48例)给予0.5U%催产素静脉点滴。结果 两组产妇在年龄、身高、体重、孕周、宫颈评分没有统计学差异。米索组及催产素组引产总有效率分别为98.0%与77.8%,P<0.05,差异极为显著;米索组经阴道分娩者,从首次用药始至临产与分娩以及总产程时间分别为(5.9±3.5)h、(10.2±6.7)h、(6.2±2.5)h;催产素组经阴道分娩的(剔除剖宫产12例),从首次用药始至临产与分娩以及总产程时间分别为(8.6±5.5)h、(13.2±8.1)h、(7.8±3.9)h,两组有显著性差异;米索组5分钟Apgar评分为8.5±0.8,催产素组为8.3±0.9,P>0.05,两组比较无显著性差异;米索组产后2小时出血量(178±41)ml(剔除剖宫产),催产素组(213±51)ml(剔除剖宫产),P<0.05,有显著性差异。结论 米索前列醇用于晚妊引产成功率高,引产时间短,副反应小,且价格便宜,易于保存,使用方便,因此是一种有效的引产药物,有推广价值。
<abstract>jective To compare the safety and effect of intravaginal misoprostol tablets with that of intravenous oxytocin for induced labor of full term. Methods Ninety eight pregnant women with 37~ 41w pregnancy were selected and randomly divided into misoprostol and oxytocin groups. One group (50cases)received misoprostol intravaginally at a dose of 1/4-1/2tab ( 50μg^100μg) and no more than 200μg in 24h. Another group(48cases) was given 0. 5U%oxytocin intravenously. Results There were no statistically significant differences in age, height , body weight .pregnancy week and Bishop score between the two groups of women inducting of labor. The rate of successful inducting of labor in misoprostol group was higher than oxytocin group. The time from administration of the drug to the onset of regular contraction activity of the uterus and delivery of an infant was shorter in the group of patients receiving misoprostol than oxytocin infusion. Conclusion It is effective and safe of misoprostol for ininduced labor of full term with higher successful rate, shorter total stage of labor , lower ill effect.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News
<keyword>soprostol Oxytocin Labor Induction