<abstract>jective To improve the correct diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary embolism(PE) . Methods Clinical data from 26 patients in Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital who suffered pulmonary embolism between 1988 and 2004 were analyzed together. Results 24 cases survived and 2 cases died. Of which the 12 cases who had deep venous thrombus (DVT), 6 cases , who inserted intraluminal filter in the inferior vena cava to prevent new pulmonary embolism followed by anticoagulation thrapy resulted in good condition. The other 6 cases who did not insert filters resulted in death in 2, great hemoptysis in 2 and stable condition in 2. Besides, the 14 cases without DVT underwent thrombolysis followed by anticoagulation with heparin and warfarine or anticoagulation only .All of the 14 cases resulted in stable condition. Conclusions To the clinical patients who are doubted PE, chest radiogram , EKG , ABG and D-dimer can be used as the screening test, ventilation/perfusion lung scan , CT , MR and pulmonary or extremity venous angiography are to make the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism accurately. Thrombolysis and anticoagulation therapy can remit PE effectively, patients with great or floating DVT inserted with filter in the inferior vena cava can prevent new PE effectively in the near future.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News
<keyword>lmonary embolism Deep venous thrombus Filter