Objective To compare the demography and HIV-related high risk beh avior between the male and female drug users, and thus to provide them a more ef fective educational programme. Method A questionnaire investigation was conducte d among a random sample of 298 male and 75 female drug users. Results Except for the race and education, there were fairly difference between the male and the f emale drug users as the age, marriage, native origin, occupation and income were concerned. 33.33%of the female participants had worked as commercial sex worke r and 89.33%were floating population. Among the injecting drug users, there wer e fewer partners sharing syringes with the same female participants than that am ong the male drug users (Fishers Exact Test, P=0.0300). Additional, 39.34%of the female participants acknowledged that they had commercial sexual behavior, m ore of them using condom when compared with the male (χ2=18.56, P=0.0001). Conc lusion There are more HIV-related risk behavior in female drug users than in ma le. It is necessary to realize that female drug users serve as not only the reso urce but also the bridge in the spread of AIDS. Therefore, different health educ ation programme on AIDS should be provided and implemented for the male and fema le drug users.
Journal of Tropical Medicine