本文从总需求中的投资和消费角度出发 ,就印度人口规模与经济增长之间的关系问题 ,考察人口对印度经济增长带来的活力和机会。指出 :(1) ,人口增长与投资的增减各有自己特别的途径 ,人口增长没有带来投资的明显障碍 ;(2 ) ,人口增长刺激消费通过“乘数效应”对经济增长产生推动作用 ,而且从相关性分析结果来看消费比投资对经济增长的贡献更为突出 ;(3)
Based on the theory of the relationship between investment and consumption in general demand, this article discusses what relationship between population size and economic growth, and how population growth of moderate degree has brought energy and opportunity to economic growth in India. According to the author, (1) population grows along a road parallel to that along which investment increases or decreases, and population growth does not necessarily pose any visible barrier to increase of investment; (2) population growth will stimulate consumption and finally promote economic development through 'multiplier effect', furthermore, judging by the result of the relative analysis, consumption makes greater contribution for economic growth than investment; and (3) the potential large market resulted from huge size of population will give great delayed effect and opportunities for future economic development in Indian special condition.$$$$
South Asian Studies Quarterly