目的 研究骨肽注射液 (古欣肽 )在四肢骨折合并肿胀病人的疗效。 方法 将 40例四肢骨折合并肿胀病人的损伤部位及损伤性质基本相同的病人配对 ,分为治疗组 2 0例 ,男 14例 ,女 6例 ,年龄 3 1± 9岁 ,给予常规治疗 (切开复位内固定和抗感染 )同时骨肽注射液 (古欣肽 ) 2 0 m L溶入 5 0 0 m L葡萄糖盐水中静滴 ;对照组 2 0例 ,男 13例 ,女 7例 ,年龄 3 3± 8岁 ,常规治疗同时予β-七叶皂甙钠 2 0 mg溶于 5 0 0 m L 15 %葡萄糖盐水中静滴。疗程均为 14 d。结果 治疗组治愈率 92 % ,与对照组 ( 94% )基本相同 ,经秩和检验治愈率无统计学差异 ( P>0 .0 5 )。结论 骨肽注射液对四肢骨折合并的肿胀有一定的疗效。
OBJECTIVE The study was to assess the ossotide injection's curative effect to the extremities swell of the extremities fracture cases.METHODS 40 Extremities fracture and swell cases with the Similar Traumatic sites and grades were randomly divided into test group and control group.Traumatic sites and grades were randomly divided into test group and control group.The test group including 14 male and 6 female and the average age 31±9 years old were treated withossotide injection 20mL in 5% GNS 500mL intravenous dropping for 14 days. The control group including 13 male and 7 female and the average age 33±8 years old were treated with β-Aescin sodium 20mg in 5%GNS 500mL intravenous dropping for 14days.RESULTS The test group showed statistically nonsignificant difference cure rate(92%)with the control group(94%).CONCLUSION The ossotide injection was effective in treating with the extremities swell of the extremities fracture cases.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal