探讨针电极记录犬在体心脏希氏 浦肯野系统 (HPS)电冲动的可行性 ,观察其图形特点、规律与影响因素。以注射针头和不锈钢丝自制针电极 ,2 5只犬开胸后沿HPS的解剖行程探查电冲动。结扎冠状动脉前降支 ,观察缺血和再灌注时心脏电图与电生理参数的变化。结果 :HPS电冲动为高频、持续时间短暂的电位 ,HPS近心房插入端 ,电位隐含于心房电图尾部 ;中段游离于房室肌间 ,电位独立于房、室电图之间 ;远端插入心内、外膜下层心室肌 ,电位隐含于心室电图的内部。高通滤波衰减低频高幅电位 ,显露基线稳定的高频低幅电位。双极电极与HPS走行平行排列所记HPS电位的幅度最大。缺血区HPS电位迟于心肌电位消失 ,再灌注HPS电位最先恢复。结论 :以针电极记录HPS电冲动稳定可靠 ,其图形与记录部位HPS的解剖和电生理特性有关外并受记录技术的影响。
The electrical activity from the His-Purkinje system (HPS) was recorded by self-made plunge electrodes along the anatomic course of HPS in 25 dogs. The characteristics of waveform were observed during atrial, His bundle and ventricular pacing as well as during occlusion and release of the left descending coronary artery. Results:The HPS electrical activity were characterized by high frequency, short-lasting waveforms. Its morphology depended on the local anatomic and electrophysiological feathers of HPS as well as on the recording techniques. Along the atrial insertion of HPS, HPS potentials were hidden in the late portion of atrial wave. Along the free-running middle portion of HPS, isolated HPS potentials between atrial and ventricular wave were recorded with variable intervals between the atrial wave, HPS potentials and ventricular wave. Along the ventricular insertion of HPS, a high frequency potential hidden in the initial and middle portion of ventricular wave were recorded. Bipolar electrodes paralleled to the course of HPS showed more profound waveform of the HPS electrical activity. Conclusion:The electrical activity of HPS can be reliably recorded with plunge electrodes along the whole course of HPS, including atrial and ventricular insertion of HPS within the deep muscle layers.
Chinese Journal of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology
Electrophysiology His-Purkinje system Plunge electrodes Dog