目的 分析和探讨龟分枝杆菌感染的临床特点及治疗方案。方法 1998年 6月至 1999年 3月深圳市儿童医院收治因不同部位手术而感染龟分枝杆菌的患儿 2 1例 ,对其临床表现、治疗方案及转归进行分析总结。结果 (1)所有感染患儿均起病隐匿 ,病情进展缓慢。 (2 )浅表组织感染者病变局限 ,以局部红肿、硬结、轻微触痛感为主要表现 ,硬结表面可有溃疡形成 ;深部组织感染者可形成皮下硬结和液性脓肿包块 ,硬结表面常破溃难以愈合或愈合后反复破溃 ,皮下脓肿包块破溃后形成窦道 ,迁延不愈 ,局部压痛明显。 (3) 1例浅表组织感染者单用局部治疗 ,3例浅表组织感染者单用抗感染治疗 ,3例浅表组织感染者在抗感染治疗的基础上择期进行激光治疗术 ,14例深部组织感染者在抗感染治疗的基础上择期进行病灶切除术 ,所有患儿均获得临床治愈。结论 对术后局部慢性炎症感染表现时应注意分枝杆菌感染的可能 ;根据感染部位的不同在全身治疗的基础上择期进行病灶切除术或激光治疗术 。
Objective To analyze and explore the clinical characteristics and the selection of treatment after mycobacterium chelonei infection.Methods Summarize and analyse the clinical manifestations,treatment programs and outcomes in 21 cases of children who were infected with mycobacterium chelonei during operation.Results 1)All cases had the features of gradual onset and slow progress.2)The main manifestation of mycobacterium chelonei infection in superficial tissues was local nodes with slight tenderness.The main manifestation of mycobacterium chelonei infection in deep tissues was nodes,abscesses and sinuses,but with slight tenderness.3)One case of superficial tissue infection of mycobacterium chelonei was treated with local chemotherapy and physical therapy,3 cases of superficial tissue infection of mycobacterium chelonei were treated with general chemotherapy,3 cases of superficial tissue infection of mycobacterium chelonei were treated with general chemotherapy and laser operation,14 cases of deep tissue infection of mycobacterium chelonei were all treated with general chemotherapy and operation.All the 21 patients were cured after 5 years' follow up.Conclusion We should consider mycobacterium chelonei infection when encountered local chronic infections,and mycobacterium chelonei infection could be treated with general chemotherapy combining with operation or laser operation effectively according to different location of mycobacterium chelonei infection.
Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics
Mycobacterium chelonei Iatrogenic infection Children Treatment