20 0 1年 8月 1 6日 ,中国证监会正式发布《关于在上市公司建立独立董事制度的指导意见》 ,把独立董事制度正式纳入了规范化的轨道。但无论在立法上还是实践上该制度都属刚刚起步 ,有许多问题亟待解决。为完善该项制度建设 ,避免独立董事制度流于形式 ,必须强化独立董事的甄选工作 ,明确独立董事的职能范围及相应法律责任 ,捉高独立董事制度的法律地位 ;通过独立董事在董事会下设委员会中的任职 ,发挥独立董事的效用 ;建立健全的激励约束机制来激励约束独立董事 ;构建规范的业绩评价体系 。
On August 16,2001,Chinese stock surpervise community issued formally “Guidance on establishing the independent director system in listed corporation”,putting the independent director system on the standard course.However the construction of the independent director system in listed corporations of China is just beginning both on legislation and on picture and many related issues need solving desperately.Presently the independent director system has a tendency towards mere norm during its course of development.In order to perfect the consturction of this system,it is necessary to ①intensify the operating mechanism of the independent directors,define the independent directros,define the independent directors' functions and their corresponding legal duties,raise the legal status of the independent directors;②give full paly to the independent directros' utility by making the independent directros take a position in the board subordinate organization;③establish a perfect in spiration mechanism to inspire and confine the independent directros;④form standard evaluation system of outstanding achievement to assess the independent directors.
Journal of Northeast China Institute of Electric Power Engineering