我院启动ISO90 0 1:2 0 0 0质量管理体系认证 ,为规范医院最高管理者质量管理过程 ,并落实各管理职能部门和各医疗业务科室管理者的质量管理职能 ,建立以院长质量查房为龙头的质量管理。其主要做法是 :坚持每月院长查房制度 ;职能科室预查制度 ;科室接受查房和制定质量改进项目。这是为了全面了解科室业务及管理情况 ,进一步规范医疗行为 ,提高医疗质量 ;改进职能科室工作作风 ,提高为一线服务的意识和效率 ;对科主任和科室管理起到了强化作用 ;
General hospital of Tianjin medical university starts up ISO9001: 2000 authentication of quality control system. To standardize the process of quality control implemented by the top director of the hospital and put each administrative department or medical department of quality control into effect and set up a quality control system which is promoted by directors of the hospital who make the rounds of the wards. The principal points: directors of the hospital should do daily rounds of wards every month and functional departments check the system in advance and each medical department should accept being checked and formulate the improved item of the quality. Therefore, we could keep informed on how the professional or administrative work are progressing in each department and standardize health service and improve the quality of that. Furthermore, we will change the style of functional departments and enhance the efficiency of health service. These will promote the authentication and the implementation of quality control system.
Soft Science of Health
making the rounds of the wards
authentication of quality control system
medical management