安全性管理和安全性工程贯穿于武器装备型号寿命周期 ,期间需要大量信息支持 ,也会产生许多危险信息。该文提出面向寿命周期武器装备危险信息模型 (HIMLC) ,基于面向对象技术 ,对装备型号寿命周期中的危险信息进行集成 ,在PDM基础上 ,保证这些信息的完备性和一致性 ,为不同对象共享和有效管理危险信息提供基础。文章给出了模型的基本结构。
The system safety management and system safety engineering impenetrate the life cycle of the weapon materiel. It needs to be supported by vast information, and will product vast hazard information during the period. This paper presents a hazard information model of weapon materiel for life cycle (HIMLC). This model is based on O-O and PDM. It supports the hazard information of weapon for life cycle integration. HIMLC can keep the integrality and consistency of hazard information, and offer the base for sharing and efficient managing the hazard information by different objects. This paper presents the basal frame, three-dimensional view and formula description of HIMLC.
Computer Simulation