介绍了FIR数字滤波器的设计方法,以及MATLAB工具箱中交互式信号处理工具——SPTool在滤波器设计中的应用。并以两个FIR数字带通滤波器(中心频率分别是90Hz和150Hz,带宽都是30Hz)的设计为例,详细说明了采用Least Squares FIR准则、利用SPTool工具设计FIR的步骤。所设计的滤波器通带内波纹小于0.2dB,阻带衰减大于40dB。
This paper describes the design of the FIR digital filter and the application of the interactive signal processing tool SPTool in the matlab tools boxes. With two samples of FIR digital bandpass filter (with center frequency of 90 Hz and 150 Hz respectively and bandwidth of 30 Hz both ), this paper introduces the detailed approach using the rules of the Least Squares FIR and SPTool. The filters implemented in this paper are less 0.2dB in bandpass ripple and greater 40dB in bandstop attenuation.
Electronic Science and Technology