本文证明了下列结论:1.m×n矩阵A与B酉相抵的充分必要条件是tr((AA)^(*K))=tr((B B~*)~K), K=1,2,…,”,m2.m阶方阵A与B有相同奇异值的充分必要条件是tr((AA~*)~K)=tr((B B~*)~K),K=1,2,…,m。
In this Paper, we prove the following theorems:1 . The necessary and sufficient condition of U-offseting of mxn-fold matrix A、B is tr( (AA*)k)=tr( (BB*)k), K=l, 2, ……, m.2, The necessary and sufficient condition of m-fold square matrix Aand B having the same singular value is tr ( (AA*) k) =tr( ( BB* ) k), K= 1 , 2, ……, m.
Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))