中国传统法律体系形式上是法的而内容却是礼的,作为儒家伦理规范重要范畴的 仁"构成了中国传统法律思想的核心和出发点。儒家通过以礼入法,从而使儒家伦理不断法律化,导致中国古代礼法界限日益模糊。这一方面对中国社会的发展产生了重大影响,同时也给我们带了一定的启示。我们应采用辩证的态度,来合理地利用这一宝贵的文化遗产。
The traditional Chinese Legal system is formally Legalism's, whereas the contents actually belonged to Ritual's. Being the crucial point of Confucianism's ethic and propriety, 'Humaneness' had constructed the core and foundation of the Chinese traditional law theory. The combination of the two promoted the legalization of Confucianism and blurred the boundary between the Ritual and Legalism in ancient China. It brings not only great impact on the development of the society, but also certain enlightenment to us. What we should do is to adapt an attitude of dialectics to sensibly utilize this valuable cultural heritage.
Journal of Guangdong Education Institute