从基础要素、中间要素、决策要素三方面分析了建设机务综合管理信息系统所应覆盖的各类信息要素及相互关系。提出了在统一平台上对机务段现有各类信息系统进行整合 ,构建从业务数据到决策支持的统一信息平台 ,减少数据冗余 ,提高数据利用率 ,消灭信息孤岛 ,形成覆盖机务管理各方面的综合信息系统。同时从系统建设的软、硬件两方面 。
The necessary key information elements to be used to design locomotive comprehensive management information system and the relationship among them are analysed in three sections — basic key element, middle key element and decision key element. The idea of integrating the existing various kinds of information of locomotive depot on the unified platform to design the unified information platform covering from data to decision supporting is proposed. It can decrease data redundance, increase data availability and eliminate information islet, and then the comprehensive information system covering all of aspects of locomotive management can be designed. This paper has gaven the basic implementing model of the system including software and hardware.
Diesel Locomotives