本文报道了采自新疆奇台的雌性沙狐(Vulpes corsac)的染色体核型,其2n=36,N.F.=72,K.F.=30M+6SM,它与赤狐(Vulpes vulpes)的二倍体数相同,但核型差异较大。而与藏狐(Vulpesferrilatus)的二倍体数及分组一致,两者除体形等部分差异外,其形态特征与生态地理分布均有很多相似之处。可能是分化较晚的近缘种。
This paper reported chromosomal karyotype of Vulpes corsac (female) in Qitai, Xinjiang. Its diploid is 36,N. F=72,K.F=30M+6SM. The karyotype of the species have not been reported also. Its diploid is same with Vulpes vulpes, but karyotype is evident difference. Yet it compare with Vulpes ferrilatus, the diploid and divided groups are coincidence. Both except for morphology and so on section difference,there are many similar point on morphology and ecological geographical distribution. These similar point with them similar of the karyotype are coincidence. Both can be close to species on relationship.
Arid Zone Research