间质性肺疾病是由多种原因引起的以肺间质弥漫性渗出、浸润和纤维化为主要改变的一组临床综合征。其HRCT基本表现为网格状影、结节状影、肺密度增加或肺密度减低四种形式。网格状影以线状不透光影为特点 ,包括小叶间隔增厚、小叶间隔网格状影、支气管、血管周围间质增厚 ;结节状阴影可分为间质性结节和实质性结节 ,结节的分布情况对鉴别诊断有很大帮助 ;肺密度增加的HRCT表现包括磨玻璃样密度影和含气腔隙实变 ;肺密度降低包括蜂窝状影、肺囊状影。本文同时介绍了几种间质性病变的HRCT表现。
Interstitial lung disease is a clinical syndrome caused by several reasons mainly including diffusive infiltration,soakage,fibrosis.Four main categories of features may be described at CT:reticular pattern,nodular patterns,increased lung attenuation and decreased lung attenuation.Reticular pattern is characterized by linear opacities that may express thickening of intralobular interstitium,axial peribronchovascular interstitium or interlobular septa.Nodular pattern includes interstitial nodular and parenchyma nodular.The distribution of the nodules is much more helpful for the differential diagnosis.Increased lung attenuation on HRCT includes ground-glass attenuation and airspace consolidation.Decreased lung attenuation includes honeycombing,lung cyst.Several interstitial lung diseases are also introduced in this article.
Journal of Medical Imaging