按照国有经济“有进有退”的战略方针 ,一大批国有企业从相当一部分行业中退出已成为国有企业改革的重要任务之一。而要完成这项任务在具体操作上就是要使数量巨大的国有企业实行民营化改革。拟就国企民营化所产生的风险 ,从其产生的原因入手进行分析归纳 。
According to the policy of the state-owned economy, lots of the state-owned enterprises have to quit from a number of industries. It has become one of the most important task of the reform of the state-owned enterprises. In order to finish this task, it has to put the privatization of the state-owned enterprises into practice. Therefore, this paper attempt to analyze the risks caused by the reform from their reasons and raises some legal solutions.
Hebei Law Science