敦煌《诗经》写卷与传世本相校 ,在文字、章句、卷数诸方面都有不同。本文综合前人之说 ,通过大量具体的例证 ,证明敦煌写卷或能发古义之沉潜 。
The copy of The Book of Odes,one of the master collections of poetry of Chinese literature classics, were found among Dunhuang Manuscripts. The text of The Book of Odes which was kept in Dunhaung Manuscripts are found to be different from the version of the copy that handed down from generation to generation. The difference issues from the version of Dunhuang Manuscripts to the regular circulating versions are not only in the characters and verses in lines but in number of volumes as well. This article gives a lot of linguistic examples to proving the great documentation value in textual research that Dunhuang version had ever remained as old and intact origin copy based on former scholarly study and academic achievements.
Dunhuang Research