文章从《谈艺录》、《管锥编》等著述的总的学术取径上探讨钱钟书的学术思想和文艺观。指出 ,钱钟书的文艺思想十分丰富、精深 ,涉及非常广泛 ,且随时间的推移有所变化 ,但一以贯之的是对艺术的重视 ,其文艺观具有一种艺术本体论的倾向。这种观点受到上世纪初俄国形式主义文论和英美新批评派的影响 。
This investigation of QIAN Zhongshu’s academic thought and literary viewpoint is based on the academic tendency of QIAN’s Tan Yi Lu and Guan Zhui Pian. This article points out that QIAN’s literary viewpoint is diversified and profound, changing all the time. But one thing is constant: his literary viewpoint has a tendency of artistic ontology. This tendency originated from the Russian formalism literary theory in the early 1900s and neo-criticism in Britain and America. QIAN developed his viewpoint on the basis of them.
Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition