植物源调节剂是利用豆科和菊科植物为原料 ,首次研制的一种植物生长调节剂 ,对玉米萌发有促进作用 ,尤其表现在促进根生长。在苗期、拔节期叶面喷施 ,提高生物产量 2 1 4 3% ,增加千粒重 4 2 0g ,增产率2 1 95 %。使用浓度为 80× 10 -3 g/L或 10 0× 10 -3 g/L使用方法是拌种和苗期。
The plant growth regulator from plants is the first developed plant growth regulator that used plants bean and the composite family as raw material.That can increase the sprouting of corn,especially in the growth of roots.Spray it on leaf bade in seedling stage and jointing stage,dry plants weight will increase 21.43%,1000 grain weight will increase 42.0 g, rice increase will 21.95% Apply consistency is 80×10 -3 g/L or 100×10 -3 g/L,It mainly affects the form of grain figures that spraying in earlier stage of corn growth.Spraying in later stage main affects the increase of the ear weight and figures.The spraying times is direct proportion on yield.That spraying in seedling and jointing stages effect remarkable through corn growth,and apply method is mixing the seed and spraying on leaf bade in corn seedling and jointing stage.
Natural Product Research and Development
江苏省产业化基金项目 (HJ0 3 0 3 6)