作者通过多年对欧洲外交政策及欧盟同中国关系的研究认为 ,这两个领域都发生了重要的变化。欧盟与中国均处在迅猛的改革过程中 ,都面临着国际政治提出的挑战 ,这些挑战加大了相互之间进行协调的压力。因此 ,了解各自政治制度发挥作用的特殊方式具有极为重要的意义。如果将欧洲视为研究对象 ,那么就会提出东扩之后的欧盟作为全球行为体将要以及能够在多大程度上获得发展的问题 。
This essay argues that both the EU and China are facing challenges posed by current international politics as a result of their respective dramatic reforms, which have brought about a pressing need for coordination between the two parties. Therefore, it is extremely important to better understand the particular way in which each political system operates. If Europe is taken as a research object, it should be determined to what extent the EU as a global actor will realize its development after its eastward enlargement. Another closely related issue is what will be required of European common foreign and security policies in order to realize EU development.
World Economics and Politics