当代中国书法艺术现代性的艺术表达机制主要体现在 :艺术话语、审美意象和艺术意象呈现出一种多重叠合与共振的特征 ;注重在数量众多的传统民间书法遗迹中寻觅某种可能的“现在性”,把其中的蓬勃生命力的艺术话语和自然真率的审美意象 ,转换成为作品的现代性因素 ;通过把自己的对象加以审美变形 ,来寻找解决矛盾与冲突的方式和途径。中国书法的现代性生产关系既规定审美意义的价值取向和尺度 ,又是体现为把主体的内在要求和来自现实生活的要求 (新的价值指向 )等因素统一起来的框架。对新时期中国书法现代性的艺术表达机制的理论分析和探讨 ,无疑将有助于我们对中国书法艺术在 2
The artistic expression mechanism of the modernism of contemporary Chinese calligraphy mainly reflects on the following aspects: features of multiple coincidence and resonance of artistic discourse, aesthetics and artistic image; to search possible 'modernism' in a large number of relics of traditional folk calligraphy so as to convert the artistic discourse with strong vitality and the aesthetic image with natural sincere into factors of modernism of a work; to look for the way of resolving contradiction and conflict through aesthetics transformation of one's object. The production relations of modernism of Chinese calligraphy not only stipulate the orientation and measure of value of aesthetic image, but also reflect on the framework of the combination of inner claim from the subject and requirement from daily life (i.e. new orientation of value). The theoretical analysis and research of the expression mechanism of modernism of contemporary Chinese calligraphy will be undoubtedly helpful for our clear understanding of the development of Chinese calligraphy in the 21 st century
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
discourse expression
modern transfer
aesthetic transformation