马克思主义经济学的劳动价值论 ,首先是一种用来说明商品经济中“劳动的社会关系及其表现形式”的理论 ,而不是专门的关于“交换价值或价格的量的决定的理论” ,也不是专门的“收入分配”的理论和“剥削理论”。在私有制商品生产条件下 ,人类劳动采取了“私人劳动”的形式 ;私人劳动的“特殊的社会性质和关系” ,采取了“劳动产品的价值性质和价值关系”的形式。私有制商品经济中的“价值” ,就是人类劳动的这种“异化形式”。它是“私有财产对私有财产的抽象关系”。在我国社会主义社会条件下 ,马克思主义的劳动价值论仍然是适用的 ,但在具体应用上应对具体事物作具体分析。劳动价值论中所说的“价值规定的内容” ,是“劳动时间的调节和社会劳动在各类不同生产之间的分配” ,是“生产费用对效用的关系”。在社会主义社会的条件下它应当更多地用来解决生产方面的问题。我国社会主义社会中的劳动价值论仍然是一元的 ;但社会主义社会的价值理论 ,则可能是多元的。应当允许和鼓励在坚持劳动价值论的前提下 ,进行社会主义社会的价值理论的创新。马克思主义经济学的劳动价值论与生产劳动理论是两个不同的理论。在“生产劳动一般”中 ,包括了“脑力劳动”和“一般管理职能”。在“使用价值”中包括了“服务”?
The labor value theory of the Marxist economics, firstly,is a theory for using to explaining the social relation and its manifestation of the labor under the commodities production, and not is the specialized theories of exchange value or price, 'income allotment', and 'exploit'. Under the private commodities production, the mankind labor adopted the private labor, the specific social character of Private labor, adopted the form 'value character of the labor products '. Therefore, the Value, commodities value, but is the 'alienation form' of labor. It is 'abstract relation of private property with private property towards'. Under the our country the term of society socialism, Marxist of the labor value theory still apply of, but reply the concrete thing to make the concrete analysis on concretely the application. The 'inside contents of the determination of value', that Labor value theory saying, is the 'regulation of labor time and the distribution of social labor among the various production groups', is the 'relation of production cost to effect'. Under the term of the socialist society it should merely use to the problem of resolving the production. In our country, 'The Labor Value Theory' is still 'Monism';But 'The value theories', may be then 'Multiple'.It is two different theories that the labor value theory and the productive labor theory of the Marxist economics. The Productive Labor in the General inside, included the 'mental work' and the general function of manage 'generally'. In the 'use value' inside included the 'service'. But in the variant society, the 'productive and unproductive labor', have the different 'social determination'. Under my term of society socialism, should from the socialism's innate character and the Purpose of socialism production, judge the productive and unproductive labor.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)