目的 :观察植物雌激素三羟基异黄酮 (GST)对卵巢去势大鼠延髓神经元的保护作用。 方法 :行双侧卵巢切除术的雌性大鼠造模 ,手术 1 0天后皮下注射GST 2 0 0 μg/ (kg·d)治疗。连续给药 6周后 ,取动物脑的延髓部位检测丙二醛 (MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)活性 ,并作超薄切片电镜分析。 结果 :GST组与去卵巢对照组 (OVX组 )比较 ,MDA含量减少、SOD活性增加 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,形态学观察OVX组延髓神经元超微结构有明显的病理变化 ,而GST组能明显改善神经元的损伤 ,维持神经元结构的完整性。 结论 :GST对延髓神经元有明显的保护作用 。
Objective:To observe the protective effects of genistein(GST) on the medulla oblongata neurons in ovariectomized rats. Methods:Rats with bilaterally ovariectomized were injected genistein 200 μg/(kg·d) for 6 weeks. The madlondialdehyde(MDA)and superoxide dismutase(SOD)activity of medulla oblongata were measured, and the ultrastructure of medulla oblongata neurons were observed. Results:In the GST group,the MDA activity was reduced and SOD activity was increased compared with the OVX group. The ultrastructure of medulla oblongata neurons showed pathological changes in OVX group. These ultrastructure was not find in GST group. Conclusion:GST could protect neurons of medulla oblongata, which might be related to eliminate oxygen free radical.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates