【目的】 了解北京顺义区建新幼儿园儿童营养状况 ,提出膳食建议。 【方法】 1999年 9月对北京顺义区建新幼儿园内 12 3名 3~ 6岁儿童进行了体格检查和实验室生化检测 ,同时采用计帐法对幼儿园膳食进行了统计。 【结果】 被检儿童年龄别身高Z评分女 ( 0 .13 )和年龄别体重Z评分 ( 0 .0 6)显著高于 1992年全国全国营养调查的结果。儿童身高别体重均值为 0 .0 2 ,与 1992年全国营养调查结果 ( 0 .1)相比差异无显著性。该园儿童生长迟缓率和低体重率均低于 1992年全国营养调查结果 (P <0 .0 1) ,儿童膳食中摄入不足推荐膳食供给量 (recommendeddietaryallowances ,RDA) 70 %的营养素有硒、视黄醇当量、锌和钙。铁和视黄醇摄入来源于动物性食品的比例较低。被检儿童贫血率为 4.88%,红细胞生成缺铁比例为 40 .65 %,维生素A、维生素B1 、维生素B2 、维生素C缺乏的比例依次为 2 9.2 7%、3 8.2 1%,3 0 .89%、、9.76%。 【结论】 该园儿童总体发育水平优于 1992年全国营养调查儿童平均水平 ,但仍有营养素缺乏现象 。
To acquire the preschool children's nutrition status and give suggestion for improving children's health. Nutrition survey, which included physical measurement, bio chemical examination and diet investigation, was carried out in Jianxin kindergarten, Shunyi district of Beijing in Sept. 1999. (123 children aged between 3~6 years old). Average height-age-Z score and average weight age Z score were higher than averaged data from whole country in 1992. There was no significant difference in weight for height Z score. The rates of stunting and underweight children were lower than that of whole country in 1992. Intake of selenium, retionl EQ ,zinc and calcium were lower than 70% RDA(recommended dietary allowances). Anemia prevalence among the children was 4.88%, insufficient prevalence rates of reserved iron in the body, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin and ascorbic acid were 40.65%, 29.27%, 38.21%, 30.89% and 9.76%. [Conclusion] foods rich in Fe, VitA, VitB 1, VitB 2, VitC and Ca should be given to children.
Chinese Journal of Child Health Care