目的 探讨原发性胆囊癌的发病与诊断。方法 对36例原发性胆囊癌临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 36例中男13例,女23例,男女之比为1:1.8,50岁以上者占75%(27/36),合并胆囊结石者占61.1%(22/36),有“胆囊息肉”者占27.8%(10/36)。术前B超、CT、MRI诊断符合率分别为69.4%(25/36)、75%(12/16)和88.9%(8/9)。结论 原发性胆囊癌好发于50岁以上女性,发病与胆囊结石、炎症、息肉有关。B超、CT、MRI均是重要的检查方法。须提高对该病认识,特别是50岁以上患者应行胆囊切除以防止其癌变。
Objective To discuss the factors and diagnosis of original gallbladder carcinoma. Methods Retrospectively analysize the clinical information of 36 cases with original gallbladder carcinoma. Results Of 36 cases, 13 cases were men while 23 cases were women. The ratio of men to women was 1 to 1.8. People who were older than 50 account for 75%(27/36), people who combined with cholelithiasis account for 61.1%(22/36) and people who had contracted gallbladder polyp account for 27.8%(10/36). The accuracy of B-Mode uhrasonography, CT and MRI befor operation is 69.4%(25/36),75%(12/16) and 88.9%(8/9). Conclusion Original gallbladder carcinoma is often found in women. The factors were relevant to cholelithiasis, inflam mation and polyp. B-Mode ultrasonogrophy, CT and MRI are important diagnostic methods. So we should improve our knowledge of this disease, es- pecially people who are older than 50 should excise their gallbladder to prevent from cancer.
Jiangxi Medical Journal