目的 :探讨一种修复关节软骨的有效途径。方法 :自制藻酸钙载体复合软骨细胞置入DMEM培养基中 ,实验组加入胰岛素样生长因子Ⅰ (insulin likegrowthfactor Ⅰ ,IGF Ⅰ ) ,体外培养 4周。 结果 :两周内开始出现软骨样物质 ,以后体积增大 ,数量增多 ,质地变硬 ,实验组与对照组差别显著。结论 :藻酸钙与软骨细胞具有良好的相容性 ,软骨细胞在藻酸钙载体中保持了原有特性和成软骨能力 ,IGF Ⅰ能够促进软骨细胞的分化增殖 ,并维持软骨细胞的原有表型。
Objective: To search for an effective means to rebuild articular cartilage.Methods: Self-made three-dimensional scaffolds seeded with chondrocytes were cultivated in DMEM substrate for 4 weeks,and insulin-like growth foctor (IGF-Ⅰ) was added in the experimental group.Results: Cartilage-like substances occurred in the second week and developed gradually. At the end of last week,mature cartilage was harvested. Conclusion: Chondrocytes are biocompatible to alginic acid calcium,and retain their original characteristic and the ability to form cartilage. IGF-Ⅰ can promote chondrocyte’s differentiation and proliferation,and maintain their original phenotypes.
Medical Journal of Wuhan University