齐己是晚唐与贯休齐名的杰出诗僧 ,《全唐诗》收录其诗作 80 0余首 ,在湖湘文化史上占有较为重要的地位。尚“清”说是其诗学理论之核心 ,其艺术创作也基本上实践了这一美学主张。齐己的尚“清”说具有艺术本体论的意义 ,内涵丰富 ,渊源深广 ,是儒释两家美学思想在其诗学体系中的折光。
QiJi,Whose 800 poems had been collected in “The Whole Poetry Collections” and had the same reputation with Guan Xiu, was an outstanding poet and monk in the late Tang Dyuasty. His theory of poem had founded its important place in fu and Xian cultural history. His highlight of the podms lies in advocating “purity” along with his arts version with abundant sonnotation and deep influene Which embodies the aesthetics thoughis in the Poetry system of Confucianists and Buddists.
Research of Chinese Literature