目前 ,特许经营在我国的发展前景十分看好 ,我国许多大型连锁企业已具备了发展特许经营的能力。相对于欧美、日本等发达国家来说 ,我国特许经营企业的发展有很大差距 ,存在的问题也是林林总总。而特许经营作为一种“双赢”策略 ,能够有效地实现规模扩张 ,降低成本和商品价格 ,提高市场竞争能力 ,比较适合我国企业发展的现状。因此 ,我们应在广泛借鉴西方发达国家先进经验的基础上 ,理顺发展有中国特色特许经营的基本思路。
Now franchising has a very prospective future in China.Many great enterprises of China have had the ability of developing franchising.Our franchising enterprises have many problems and cannot catch up with the developed countries like America ,Japan and so on. As a double-gaining tactics franchising,can realize scale expansion effectively,reduce cost and price of the commodities,improve the ability of market competition.Franchising suits the current situation of our enterprises comparatively.So,we should draw lessons from the west developed countries,and straight out the essential trains of thought of developing franchising with Chinese characteristics.
Northern Economy and Trade