无线资源管理是 CDMA蜂窝移动通信系统保证业务质量 ( Qo S)和提高频谱利用率的关键技术 .本文提出了 CDMA系统中无线资源管理算法的一般模型 ,阐述了三种重要的无线资源管理算法 ,即功率控制算法、呼叫接纳控制算法和分组调度算法的主要研究情况 。
Radio resource management is a key technique for CDMA cellular systems to provide QoS and efficient utilization of radio frequency spectrum. A general model for radio resource management algorithms is presented in this paper for CDMA systems. The focus is on recent development of the following three algorithms of radio resource management: power control algorithm, call admission control algorithm and packet scheduling algorithm, then we analyze the unsettled problem so far, and propose a solution to the future research direction for radio resource management algorithms in CDMA systems.
Journal of Xinjiang University(Natural Science Edition)