工业品的外观作为事实的创造性智力活动的成果 ,它是民法和知识产权法的保护对象。工业品外观具有艺术性、技术性、显著性和可识别性等多重法律属性 ,依据著作权法、专利法和商标法分别规定的作品、外观设计专利和注册商标的条件 ,工业品可以获得相应的知识产权保护。同时基于诚实信用原则 ,工业品外观又可以作为产品的装潢得到反不正当竞争法的保护。法律对工业品外观的多重保护 ,全面。
As the fruit of the actual creative activities, industrial design is an object of protection in Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law. Industrial design contains artistic, technical, noticeable, and identifiable characteristics and can be protected by Copyright Law, Patent Law or Trademark Law when it meets the qualifications for works, patents and registered trade marks regulated by these laws. Based on the principle of good faith and credibility, industrial design is also a decoration of products, and gains the protection of Anti-unfair Competition Law. The legal protection of industrial design becomes stronger and more sufficient since it shares so many methods of protection.
Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology