在分析协同设计理论的基础上对AutoCAD进行二次开发,利用AutoCAD内嵌的VBA分析Auto CAD数据结构,调用WinSocket控件建立Server/Client连接,通过ActiveXAutomation接口建立反应器获得服务端操作,向协同工作机发布,实现如网络会议,语义共享等功能,初步开发出基于计算机协同设计理论的协同CAD系统.
In this paper, the author implemented the secondary development of AutoCAD through the analysis of the cooperative design theory. The cooperative CAD system can implement the function such as netmeeting, model sharing by analyzing the data and operation of AutoCAD server through the reactor and transmitting the semantic to client through the connector, which were all set up with VBA embedded in AutoCAD.