目的 观察半导体激光经巩膜睫状体光凝 (transclera ciliary photocoagulation)治疗硅油填充术后高眼压的效果。方法 对 14例行玻璃体切割加硅油注入术后发生眼压升高的患者 ,在取出部分硅油和药物不能控制眼压时行半导体激光经巩膜睫状体光凝术 ,采用 810 nm波长激光 ,G-探头行巩膜睫状体光凝 ,每眼共光凝 15~ 2 0点。结果 行光凝术后随访 4~ 8个月 ,平均 5个月。 14只眼术前眼压为 (5 8m m± 17) mm Hg,术后平均眼压为(2 1m m± 10 ) mm Hg。经 t检验 ,P <0 .0 1,在所随访的患者中 ,1只眼因发生新生血管性青光眼 ,经多次光凝无效而行眼球摘除 ,其余 13只眼均保持一定的有用视力 ,无眼球萎缩的发生。结论 半导体激光经巩膜睫状体光凝对玻璃体切割硅油填充术后难治性高眼压具有较好的作用 ,能保持术眼的视功能 。
Objective To study the efect of semiconductor laser transclera ciliary photocoagulation to treat high intraocular pressure after silicone oil injection,Methods 14 patietns who had high intraocular pressure after vetrectomy and silicone oil injection were carried semiconductor laser transclera ciliary photocoagulation when the intraocular pressure could'nt be controlled by anti-glaucoma medicine and drainage part of silicone oil.The laser we used was 810nm in wave and G-detecting head was used to do ciliary photocoagulation.Each eye photocoagulated 15~20 points.Results After photocoagulation of 4~8 months,average 5 months,the intraocular pressure decreased from 58±17mmHg to 21±10mmHg(P<0.01).One eye was removaled for occurred neovascular glaucoma and photocoagulated 4 times could not controlled the intraocular pressure.The other 13 eyes kept the utility eye sight and there had no atrophy of eyeball.Conclusion Semiconductor laser transclera ciliary photocoagulation can control the high intraocular pressure effectively in patient of vetrectomy and silicone oil injection.to help the patient get utility eye sight and avoid the complications.
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
Semiconductor laser
Silicone oil injection
High intraocular pressure
Transclera ciliary photocoagulation