对某热电厂已运行 10 8835h的锅炉导汽管组织状态和力学性能进行了试验分析。金相分析表明 ,在役的导汽管材料组织中 ,珠光体已经完全球化 ,但材料的常温力学性能仍符合标准。通过对持久温度试验数据的线性拟合与平行外推 ,预测其剩余寿命至少仍有 70 0 0
Through tests, the microstructure state and mechnical properties of steam conduit for a boiler which had been operating for 108835 hours in a thermal power plant have been experimentally analysed. Metallurgical analysis shows that the pearlite in material microstructure of the steam conduit in service has been completely spherodized, but the mechanical property of material at room temperature being still in conformity with the standard. Through linear fit and parallel extropolation of test data for enduring strength, the residual life of said steam conduit has been predicted still to be no less than 70000 hours.
Thermal Power Generation