实验研究铜矿在一定喷淋强度下溶浸时水分运移的基本规律。实验表明 ,矿柱的喷淋过程是一个矿物颗粒吸湿 ,颗粒之间的孔隙则是一个逐渐由非饱和转化为饱和的过程。只要适当地控制好喷淋强度 ,就能使矿柱或矿堆保持长时间的非饱和状态 ,有利于有用元素的浸出。对于溶浸而言 ,需要保持矿柱较长时间的非饱和状态。因此 ,喷淋强度选择小的值的比较好 ,从实验结果可以看出 ,对于该实验所选取的矿柱 ,控制喷淋强度在 1.2 43E~ 2cm/min和 5 .2 3 8E~
The paper studies the basic law of water transport by test when the copper is leaching under some volume of sprinkling. It may be concluded that the sprinkling of ore-column is process which the grain of ore is becoming wet and hole between the grain is becoming saturated. Controlled the proper volume of sprinkling, ore-column can keep unsaturated long, which is benefit to leaching.It is very important to keep unsaturated state for long time in ore-column, so the lower value of volume of sprinkling is choiced. The result shows that volume of sprinkling is proper between 1.243 E~2 cm/min and 5.238 E~2 cm/min for this experiment.
Journal of East China Institute of Technology